Winnie the Pooh

posters | 2019

My creative friend connected with me expressing that she wanted to make a custom poster for her niece. As always, something like this is very exciting to me. We started thinking about little Allie and what we wanted from this potential poster design. Her birthday is on Halloween so that had to be an element that was incorporated. After some brainstorming, Winnie the Pooh came up as the main idea because it’s wonderful and a classic. Animal alphabet posters are very popular so we thought “why not blend the ideas together”. The Winnie the Pooh characters will be dressed up as different animals for every letter.

When I decided to list this on my Etsy shop, I wanted to update the design for a clean and modern look. I figure if something is too specific it might not be as appealing. Instead of the letters going in order, I mashed it up so that children would have an extra challenge.